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How to Add RAM to Your Laptop

Have you've ever moved from a desktop pc to a laptop, the experience can be enjoyable.Some people prefer to work with a computer,arrange files both in physical and digital format,a desktop pc lets you feel hooked to particular spot. It totally depends on electrical sockets all the time, and moving its heavy components from one place to another is not cool at all.
Laptops can conveniently work using  battery power, and, when fully charged, can work anywhere you move them.They are small in size and with lightweight, so if you want to lay on the couch or work in a cafeteria, laptops are really cool tools to work with.
The only striking difference between a laptop and a desktop, is how they are coupled together. A laptop has all of the same or similar hardware and peripherals as a desktop , such as a screen, a keyboard, a microprocessor, memory storage and a number of fans to keep the system temperature down. All components are arranged in a different way since it needs to fit in a miniature package.This means that,when you begin to accumulate more and more files-pictures,music,videos  and using two or more programs at the same time, you'll encounter what several laptop pc users complain about -slow loading or booting up and lower performance.
Normally,the cause of all performance related issue is insufficient memory or random access memory, or RAM. Some laptop pc owners are afraid of the thought of putting additional RAM because a laptop's layout is unlike that of a desktop, at times upgrades on the RAM on your system is the simplest and cheapest option to improving your laptop's performance.
Choosing RAM
When most people talk about a computer's "memory," they're referring to random access memory, or RAM. RAM is very important to your laptop's central processing unit (CPU), since memory lets you operate  several programs all at once without having much interruption. How can you hint  if you require more RAM.
The obvious sign of small RAM is slow performance.Normally, when you buy a new laptop, it requires very small time to the computer to boot up and start its installed  programs.As you pile up files and do more tasks simultaneously,it begins to slow down speed. If you switch on your computer and it takes more time for it to work properly. It is possible that you are using more RAM.

Luckily,slotting in more RAM into your laptop is probably the simplest and least expensive means to shore up computer performance.Fixing a new CPU on your laptop may not have the same effect as adding more RAM. If you run a little search on the word RAM, you'll find out there are numerous types and different sizes available. How do you identify the right type of RAM for your computer.
Foremost, you have to check the performance of your laptop and envisage the type of work you'll be doing. If you play games that take up a lot of processing power, you will need a huge amount of RAM,say 2 GB of RAM or more. If you are using your laptop for light day-to-day work, you may not require more than 512 MB of memory.
After chosing the right type of RAM, how do you fix it into your laptop.
Adding RAM
After you have bought the needed RAM module, you are about to slot in more memory to your computer. Before you start doing that, ensure that the laptop is completely switched off and unplugged from the power source because of safety.It is highly essential you use an antistatic wrist strap when handling a RAM module.

Once everything is powered down, you need to locate the memory slot socket. A lot of manufacturers place these sockets in different location, but on all laptops, you will see tiny door plate beneath the device.Using the required screwdriver, open the door and take a pip inside. There are usually two slot sockets for RAM. If both sockets are filled, you need to remove one of the modules and replace with a module with higher memory to upgrade your laptop's RAM. You can remove a RAM module by pushing down the little ejector clips that hold the module in place. If one of the sockets is empty, you can easily insert the new module in the slot. 
Adding a module is quite straightforward and simple. It  will slide into place,when you give it a little push, it locks down in place with help of the clips. 
Remember, your experience may be differ from others depending on the laptop manufacturer,so ensure to go through the owner's manual or visit the support Web site before you start putting apart your laptop's case.
After you have put everything back together, put back the access door and switch on your laptop.If nothing goes wrong,your laptop recognize the extra memory automatically.You will see that your laptop boots up much faster, open applications more easily and move between programs in lesser time.


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