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How Touch screens Work

Touch Screen Backstory

Automobiles, airplanescomputers, and steam engines—touchscreens belong in the cliche of these famous innovations because they do not have a particular inventor and a real, "Eureka" moment : in other words, no one man or woman invented the touchscreen.

The first innovation that comes close in resemblance to using a touchscreen was known as a light pen, a stylus with a photocell in one place end, and a cable connecting the computer to the other end, that is able to draw graphics on the screen. It was developed in the 1950s and forms an integral part of one of the foremost computer systems to possess graphics, Project Whirlwind. Light pens do not work like recent touchscreens. Eventhough, there was nothing spectacular about the screen itself,all the work took place within the pen and the computer it was connected to.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, a different approach in the development of touchscreens emanated from the research of computer scientists who were specialists in a field known as human-computer interaction (HCI), which sought to bridge the gap between people and computers. Among them were Douglas Engelbart, the inventor of the computer mouse; Ivan Sutherland, a foremost authority in computer graphics and virtual reality; and Alan Kay, a colleague of Sutherland's who assisted greatly in pioneering the graphical user interface (or GUI—the picture-based desktop used on nearly all modern computers).

The first device that worked in a way similar to a modern touchscreen was known as a Discriminating Contact Sensor, and was patented on October 7, 1975 by George S. Hurst and William C. Colwell of Elographics, Inc. Just like a modern resistive touchscreen, it was a device having two electrically conducting contact layers spaced by an insulating layer that can be pressed together using a pen. It was designed to be used with a writing device  and not by the writer's hand". So it does no resemble a modern, finger-operated touchscreen.

A lot of people thought touchscreens surfaced when Steve Jobs launched Apple's iPhone,way back in 2007—but touch-operated, handheld computers had been in use for about 20 years earlier. One of the foremost was the Linus Write-Top, a large tablet computer unveiled in 1987. Five years later, Apple unveiled the predecessor of its iPhone in the shape of Newton, a handheld computer produced by the Japanese Sharp Corporation. Operated by a pen-like stylus, it featured pioneering but somewhat erratic handwriting recognition but was a commercial failure. Touchscreen input and handwriting recognition also featured in the Palm series of PDAs (personal digital assistants), which was widely used in the mid-1990s. All modern touchscreen devices owe credit to these foremost inventors and their inventions.

In the years of the computer,the means to make a computer perform a task,was to input it a pile of cards with holes perforated in them. Luckily, things have improved further from then on. Now we make our computers perform tasks,just by pointing and clicking with a mouse or by shouting out commands using voice recognition software. A revolution yet to come will allow computers more easier to use with touch-sensitive screens. Mobile phones such as Apple's iPhone, ebook readers, and certain MP3 players already using some touch control and pcs can to work like that too. 

Keyboards and switches
A touchscreen is likened to an invisible keyboard joined to the front of your computer monitor. To know how it works, it will assist ,if you know how a keyboard works. Normally, all keys on a keyboard,behaves like an electrical switch. When a key is pressed down,an electric circuit is completed and current flows. The amount of current depends on the key you press and that's how your computer knows what you're typing.

Within a keyboard,there are two distinct layers of electrically conducting plastic separated by an insulating plastic membrane with holes perforated in it. In reality, there's one hole beneath every key. When you push a key, you push the upper conducting layer down towards the lower layer ,so the two layers meet and touch through the hole. Current flows between these layers and the computer detects that you've pressed a key. Tiny spring like pieces of rubber,placed beneath every key,allows them return back to their original position, breaking the circuit when released.
Touchscreens must accomplish something close to this on the surface of your computer screen. Technically they can not employ switches, membranes, and bits of plastic or they would cover the view of the screen beneath. So a more ingenious method for sensing your touch is used(completely invisibly).

How touchscreens work
Various types of touchscreen operate in numerous ways. Some are able to detect one finger at a time and get extremely confused if you try to press in two places at once. Others can easily detect and differentiate between more than one key pressed at once. These are some of the known and common types:


Resistive touchscreens (presently the most common) work just like  "transparent keyboards" laid on top of the screen,having an flexible upper layer of conducting polyester plastic fixed to a hard lower layer of conducting glass and separated by an insulating membrane. When you press on the screen, the polyester touches the glass and complete a circuit,like pressing a key on a keyboard. A chip within the screen figures out the coordinates and position of the place you touched.


These screens are assembled using multiple layers of glass. The innermost layer conducts electricity and so does the outer layer,efficiently,that the screen behaves like two electrical conductors separated by an insulator,just like a capacitor. When you bring your finger close to the screen, you alter the electrical field by a particulr amount that varies according to where your hand is placed. Capacitive screens can be touched in multiple places at once. Unlike other type of touchscreen, they don't function, if you touch them with a plastic stylus (the plastic is an insulator and prevents your hand from affecting the electric field).

Like the eye beams of an intruder alarm, an infrared touchscreen employs  a grid networks of LEDs and light-detector photocells placed at opposite points on the screen. The LEDs beam infrared light in front of the screen—a bit like an invisible spider's web. If you touch the screen at a certain point, you interrupt two or more beams. A microchip inside the screen can calculate where you touched by seeing which beams you interrupted. The touchscreen on Sony Reader ebooks (like the one pictured in our top photo) works this way. Since you're interrupting a beam, infrared screens work just as well whether you use your finger or a stylus.

Surface Acoustic Wave
Surprisingly, this touchscreen technology detects your fingers using sound instead of light. Ultrasonic sound waves (too high pitched for humans to hear) are generated at the edges of the screen and reflected back and forth across its surface. When you touch the screen, you interrupt the sound beams and absorb some of their energy. The screen's microchip controller figures out from this where exactly you touched the screen.

Near field imaging
Have you noticed how an old-style radio can buzz and whistle if you move your hand toward it? That's because your body affects the electromagnetic field that incoming radio waves create in and around the antenna. The closer you get, the more effect you have. Near field imaging (NFI) touchscreens work a similar way. As you move your finger up close, you change the electric field on the glass screen, which instantly registers your touch. Much more robust than some of the other technologies, NFI screens are suitable for rough-and-tough environments (like military use). Unlike most of the other technologies, they can also detect touches from pens, styluses, or hands wearing gloves.

Light pens
Light pens were an early form of touchscreen technology, but they worked in a completely different way to modern touchscreens. In old-style computer screens, the picture was drawn by an electronbeam that scanned back and forth,  just like in a cathode-ray tube television. The pen contained a photoelectric cell that detected the electron beam as it passed by, sending a signal to the computer down a cable. Since the computer knew exactly where the electron beam was at any moment, it could figure out where the pen was pointing. Light pens could be used either to select menu items or text from the screen (similar to a mouse) or, as shown in the picture here, to draw computer graphics.

Advantages of touchscreens
The great thing about touchscreen technology is that it's incredibly easy for people to use. Touchscreens can display just as much information (and just as many touch buttons) as people need to complete a particular task and no more, leading people through quite a complex process in a very simple, systematic way. That's why touchscreen technology has proved perfect for public information kiosks, ticket machines at railroad stations, electronic voting machines, self-service grocery checkouts, military computers, and many similar applications where computers with screens and keyboards would be too troublesome to use.

Some of us are lucky enough to own the latest touch phones, which have multi-touch screens. The big advantage here is that the display can show you a screen geared to exactly what you're trying to do with it. If you want to make a phone call, it can display the ordinary digits 0–9 so you can dial. If you want to send an SMS text message, it can display a keyboard (in alphabetical order or typewriter-style QWERTY order, if you prefer). If you want to play games, the display can change yet again. Touchscreen displays like this are incredibly versatile: minute by minute, they change to meet your expectations.
All of us with smartphones (modern cellphones), ebook readers, and tablet computers are now very familiar with touchscreen technology. Back in 2008, Microsoft announced that touch technologies would feature prominently in future versions of the Windows operating system—potentially making computer mice and keyboards obsolete—but almost a decade later, most of us are still locked into our old-style computers and operating systems, and the old ways of using them. Though it could be a while before we're all prodding and poking our desktop computers into action, touchscreen technology is definitely something we'll be seeing more of in future!


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