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21 Hidden Facebook Messenger Tricks You Need To Know

Facebook Messenger is among those famous apps that nearly everybody uses daily and really do not think about it. It’s because of this that Facebook and other similar partner apps are gradually making it more powerful, with a lot of cool and interesting things you can do directly from within Messenger.
The following are some of the interesting features to play around with:

For beginners, do you know that you can use it as a stand-alone web client by visiting

1.Voice and Video Calls

You may have not used it before, but Facebook Messenger is not only for text messages. It also very easy to use for voice and video calls by using the necessary buttons at the top of your chat.You can also send a voice message as you wish.If the person you want to talk to is not available, just send them a voice message they can listen to later.

2.Share Location

If you really want your friends to know  your precise location, start  a chat with them, click the three dots and choose Location. Your friends will immediately see a map revealing your actual location.It is a very nice trick to use when you are almost late.Also note that you may wish to conceal your location in Messenger for privacy reasons.

3.Add Nicknames

You may have some friends who go by a nickname that is totally disconnected with their real name on Facebook. Spare yourself the headache and apply the Messenger’s nickname feature to assist in reminding you of who all these people are. Click on their name and you will see the option to add a nickname.

4.Messenger Chess

You may feel like challenging a friend at chess, you can do so from inside the Facebook Messenger app. Type in @fbchess in your chat and the game will start. To make moves, you need to manually type in the moves,like @fbchess Pb4 to move a pawn in column B to row 4. If you get stuck you can type @fbchess help for instructions.

5.Stickers, GIFs & Thumbs-Up

Facebook have integrated a whole range of stickers for use in messages, with numerous styles available, and you can choose your favorites to keep them easily available.If you are not into stickers.Facebook has also integrated Giphy into Messenger, so you can get just any GIF you like and insert it with a few clicks. It is very easy via GIPHY .There is also a quick thumbs-up button you can use to send a simple reaction to a message. Most people do not know you can resize it by holding the thumb before posting.

6.Use Facebook Messenger as a Boarding Pass
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines recently gave passengers options to receive their flight updates and checks in notifications via Facebook Messenger. And when you arrive at the airport, you can use Facebook Messenger as your boarding pass.Even if you want to re-schedule your flight you can do it through a Messenger.

7.Send Money Using Messenger

Need to pay a friend for something? Just dig into Messenger and pay them directly.Click the three dots and choose “Payments”. The first time you use this, you need to fill in a debit card details to your account. Swiping left while you’re making a transaction will allow you choose a theme like  cupcakes or wine bottles.

8.Group Messages

You can start a group chat with all your friends at once . Everyone receives all the updates and none misses anything important.You can also give names to your groups and attach them to the top, so if you have a long-term group chat with your family members or your friends,you can store it organised and find them easily.

9.Mute Messenger Notifications

If have you ever been in an active group chat, you may have noticed the sounds produced for every notification,which can really be disturbing.You can fix this problem by setting the whole group chat to mute . You can mute for a particular length of time say15 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours or more.

10.Changing Color

Tired ofthe colour blue? Click on a contact and choose “Change Color”. This will alter the conversation color for everybody in the group chat.

11.Messages From Non-Friends
By default setting you can only view messages from your contacts, even if sometimes you may receive a message from a stranger. If you are willing to view these messages,go to Settings > People > Message Requests.

12.Random Cute

If you know anybody who needs to use a dose of cuteness, start up a chat with them and type @dailycute. It will quickly fetch a cute image for you and post it.

13.Remove Previews

If you have notifications popping up on your lock screen, it is not a really bad idea to stop Messenger from displaying the content of the messages in those notifications. You do not want your friends to see private chats while your phone is on the table in front of them.To stop previews, go to settings and uncheck the “Show Previews” option.

14.Taking Snapshots in Messenger

Instead of taking snapshots with a phone’s camera app,later uploading to Messenger, you can actually just click the camera icon to get it done faster. Take a quick selfie or a snapshot of anything or anybody you need to share and it will send immediately.You can also hold down the button to record a video/clip using the same tool, with options to use the rear camera, expand your view and  lots more.

15.Draw on Your Pictures

Not everybody is satisfied with a simple photo. At times you may require to draw on it or write some bit of information to make it clear what the receiver is about to learn from the image. You click Edit as you are viewing the image and add all the modifications required. This only works for images you swipe to and not images in the gallery.Very soon,you may be able to manipulate videos in Messenger, as Facebook just acquired the video filter maker Msqrd and will no doubt make use of this new investment to compete with Snapchat.

16.Send Spotify Tracks in Messenger

If  the Spotify app is installed on your device, you can send Spotify tracks to friends using Messenger. Your friend will also to need to have Spotify installed to play the track, but they’ll be prompted to install it if they do not.Click on the three dots in Messenger chat, choose Spotify and navigate in the Spotify app to locate the track you need. Select the track and click send.

17.Install Compatible Apps

There are numerous apps compatible with Messenger that can be used to enhance your experience. Jus like Giphy and Spotify, these apps will be readily available once integrated, however you are required to install these apps on your device before integrating them.You may try it a number of apps like the emoji keyboards, Bitmoji, GIF keyboards, meme apps, and weather apps. To integrate a new app, click the three dots from any conversation and scroll down the list of compatible apps presently on your device. Click “Install” when you find the one you want to use.

18.Basketball on Messenger

If you want a quick game of with a friend,all you need to do is send a basketball emoji to them, then tap on the message. From there swipe to get it in the hoop, which will gain you a point. When you eventually miss the hoop, your game will end and your score is tallied and sent to your friend so they can try to beat you to it.

19.Use Your Phone Number

Not everyone has a Facebook account, believe it or not. If you need to use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook account,install the Messenger app on your smartphone and it will identify using your phone number.

20.Book an Uber Ride in Messenger

Uber and Lyft have been integrated into Facebook, but they required to be installed on your device and you do the setup,the first time you use them via Messenger. Hit the three dots and click Transportation.The first time you will be walked through the setup steps. Later on you will be able to see Uber/Lyft as one of your contacts and chat to it to get yourself a ride and there is also a car icon to click on. You can make all your choices within Messenger, see the fare and book. Payment is made with the details in your Uber or Lyft app.


Android users can create a shortcut for their favorite contacts. Select the contact you want in the  Messenger, hold briefly and a menu will come up. Choose “Create Shortcut” and you’re done. You can organize this in the similar manner as any other Android app icon.


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