VSAT Systems uses a satellite connection as a high-speed digital link between a customers location and the US Internet backbone. The data travels from the satellite equipment at the customers location to the satellite, and then to the teleport for routing to the Internet. The teleport is a secure facility where many large aperture satellite dishes are operated. The SES Americom operations center is located at the teleport and our equipment is located in a leased area inside the Network Operations Center (NOC). At the NOC, routers are connected to the Internet using OC-3 optical connections to a Tier-I Internet backbone provider. Proprietary acceleration and advanced spoofing technology is employed to provide IP transparency and increase throughput speed. Spoofing is what makes the service capable of very high speeds. Why is spoofing important? The entire Internet is based on TCP/IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) manages and controls transmissions using IP (Internet Protocol)....